Celebrating a Union Victory: Ensuring Fair Compensation for SJPL Employees

We're delighted to share a recent victory with you that reinforces the importance of union solidarity and standing up for your rights. This win not only highlights the strength of our collective voice but also ensures fair compensation for SJPL employees.

In the recent past, the City and San Jose Public Library (SJPL) rammed through a change to working conditions by opening library branches on Sundays. The City Council authorized some additional positions (not enough) for this effort, but SJPL didn’t wait until those positions were filled before proceeding with the change. The Union filed an Unfair Labor Practice as well as a grievance pertaining to how the change was unilaterally and unfairly made. The Union and the City were able to reach a settlement where the Union would drop its grievance and ULP charge if SJPL would agree to give library staff additional comp hours or cash depending on their FTE status.

However, despite an agreement in black and white, SJPL sought to misinterpret the settlement agreement reached between the Union and the City, impacting the compensation owed to employees. The recent dispute revolved around the definition of "eligible employees" who should receive compensatory time or a one-time non-pensionable payment, specifically those who had worked on Sundays.

Through our relentless efforts and negotiations


We wish to inform you of a change in the voting process for our upcoming MEF Chief Steward election. You should have recently received a letter at your mailing address on file, which notified you of the election for Chief Steward of MEF and introduced an online voting system called YOUnified. However, we have encountered several issues with the vendor, and so we had to make a last-minute change to stay within the rules of our election process outlined in the bylaws. We understand the frustration and confusion this may cause, and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience.

To ensure the integrity and fairness of this election, we are making a necessary adjustment. The online voting, which was set to begin on Friday, is now being postponed and reformatted. In the coming days, you will receive another piece of mail at your home address, which will include a new notice of the election. Approximately 15 days after that, you will receive another piece of mail with a paper ballot for the Chief Steward election. We kindly ask you to use this paper ballot to cast your vote by mail. If you need to update your home address, you can email LaSonya Brown with AFSCME at lasonya.brown@ca.afscme57.org and provide her with an updated mailing address to ensure you receive a ballot and future communications.


Our hard fought wage increases are finally here!

Our 6% wage increase, which became effective on September 17th, will be reflected in your October 6th paycheck. This increase is a significant step towards better compensation for your hard work and dedication.

Lump Sum Bonuses: To receive the lump sum payment, please note the following eligibility criteria:

Contract Ratified!

The ballots have been counted, and we are thrilled to announce that our contract has been ratified with a 91% yes vote! Our siblings in Local 21 also voted yes by 91%. This victory is yours and is a testament to your dedication, hard work, and unwavering commitment to securing a better future for City of San Jose employees and our community.

This historic agreement was only made possible by the tremendous dedication of our membership. Your willingness to stand together, including your readiness to go on strike if necessary, demonstrated the strength of our solidarity and was enough to push the City administration to its true limits. While we may not have achieved every goal we set out for, this contract marks a significant step forward. It's the best agreement we've won in decades, and it's a result of your tireless efforts. Congratulations.

The wage increase and lump sum amount are set to begin…

Time to Ratify: Your Voice Matters in the Final Step

After months of dedicated effort, challenging negotiations, and unwavering unity, we are proud to announce that we have reached a significant milestone in our campaign to secure a fair contract for the dedicated employees of the City of San Jose. It's time to ratify the contract, and your voice is the deciding role in determining the outcome.

Our bargaining team has fought tirelessly to bring you the best possible deal that addresses critical issues and advances our shared goals. We are pleased to present this agreement to you for ratification, as the bargaining team unanimously recommends a "Yes" vote. This is a pivotal moment, and your participation is essential in finalizing the terms that will shape our collective future. You can view the full ratification document here.